
Bereavement Family-Care Ministry

This ministry provides spiritual and emotional support to the bereaved family, on behalf of our church.

Christian Education

This ministry coordinates the offering of classes throughout our church calendar year that are biblical and basic, real and relevant to help the church disciples (as learners of God’s Word) to grow spiritually and mature in their relationship with God.

Deacon Board

As the only other office of the church beside that of the Pastor, the work of the deacons involves assistance at services and church meetings; visitation of members; preparation for baptismal services; assistance at the Communion Service; care of the sick and the poor; and care and maintenance of church property.

Deaconess Board

John 12:26 KJV

This ministry assists our Pastor as he follows his God-given vision to promote the growth and development of our church, in particular for young and matured women. This ministry provides assistance at baptismal services; arrangements for the Communion Service; the care of the sick and the poor.

Hospital Visitation Ministry

This ministry serves as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ - to be driven by His heart to serve others – in extending the love and comfort of Jesus Christ to those who are in the hospital for illness or medical treatment, palliative care, or hospice care.

Men's Ministry

This ministry is an outreach of our church for the men (and, young men) of the church and its community. Its purpose is to bring men together in the Lord so that they can draw closer to Him.

Missionary Ministry

Matthew 28:19-20 KJV

This ministry does God’s work through service to the church and community. While ministering to the physical needs of the disadvantaged, the missionaries demonstrate God’s love, touch spirits and bring others to Christ.

Music Ministry

Ephesians 5:19 KJV

This ministry strives to promote a healthy worship experience through song by changing lives - one at a time - to experience the presence of God through sacred music and the use of our God given gifts and abilities with our voices and musical instruments.

New Members Ministry

This ministry gives our new church member a clear understanding of the significance of the new life in Christ; the ministry explains the responsibilities inherited because of the Christian experience; it orientates our new church members about our church ministries; and, the ministry defines what it means to become a member of God's Church.

Nurse's Unit Ministry

This ministry assists anyone with a physical need especially a medical need during church services. The ministry provides such assistance to the Pastor while in the pulpit and during his preaching at other churches.